
Meeting recaps

Some (not all) of our meetings are recapped here.

Milestones with Brooke Kuhlmann

September 4, 2024

At this month’s meetup we enjoyed a talk by Brooke Kuhlmann, “Milestones”, about automated versioning and release note generation. We learned a lot!

Talk slides: https://www.alchemists.io/talks/milestones

Project page: https://www.alchemists.io/projects/milestoner

A neat incidental takeaway from the talk, for any shortcut junkies out there, was learning about the app Alfred and how to augment it in Ruby-related ways with Brooke’s own project Pennyworth.

Writebook deploy

August 9, 2024

This month we did a group exercise of exploring Basecamp’s source-available app Writebook and deploying it to DigitalOcean.

Camping with Karl Oscar Weber

June 21, 2023

Our guest speaker this month was Karl Oscar Weber, who shared with us his work on Camping, a Ruby micro-framework initially created by _why and now maintained by Karl.

You can watch the recording if you missed it!

Bridgetown with Jared White

May 17, 2023

This month Jared White joined us virtually to talk about new features in Bridgetown, a next-generation progressive site generator and fullstack framework powered by Ruby.

The talk wasn’t recorded, but much of what Jared shared with us was also covered in Jared’s BridgetownConf 2022 keynote talk “What’s New in Bridgetown 1.2, the Plugin Ecosystem, and Content Publishing”, as well as his talk “Database-Driven Apps with Bridgetown, Roda, Hotwire Turbo, and Lifeform”.

Bluegrass Ruby's first meetup

April 18, 2023

Our first meetup saw 7 Rubyists show up from various walks of life and experience levels. We did introductions and discussed projects we’ve worked on. Vera discussed her domain specific language for generative storytelling called YeetWords, and Blake did a demo of WhatIsMyDistrict.org, a site for determining nearby public services and the city district you’re in. Other discussions included testing strictness and the helpfulness of AI in development.